Senin, 23 Juli 2012


I know it's already been over a week since Alvaro was here but I didn't get to post all of the work he did while he was with us. We had a lovely week with our mate and look forward to him returning soon! So he will be here again in early August but has already got people in mind for the two days he is here. He will also be back in October (dates still yet to be decided but I will post again as soon as we know exact dates and if he will have any space available). So here is another couple of tattoos he did while he was here:

Here is what Matty has been up to: 
In Progress, massive cover up on the guts

One session to go on this one
Just the outline for the first day, still more cherry blossoms to add
And old one but only just got ok pics
And here is what Jamie has been up to: 

Simo's work over the past week or two:

And last be definitely not least here is Stu's work from the last week or so:

We have Wendy Pham and Matt Gordon with us this week, so should be a fun week. I hope to post the work they do here by the end of the week, so stay tuned. If you are interested in getting tattooed by either one of them they might be able to fit a few consultations in while they are here. So shoot us an email if you are interested. Include what you want to get, where and size. 

That's all....

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