Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

Hard times

Well hello!
It's been a super hard month.
Remember my last post was on the 4th of November?
Well 3 days later, on the 7th (I think it was a Wednesday) we had a horrible surprise when we got to the shop on the morning.
Water was raining from the ceiling, and the ceiling fell on the floor. Water everywhere, police and firemen running in the building trying to find the leak...
It comes out our neighbor wanted to do some pluming installation upstairs from the shop, the guy she hired didn't check if the soldering he did was safe, and they both left the apartment for the night.
The shop had to be closed down 3 weeks in order to dry the walls and ceiling. We have to do some major reparations.
We had to change a part of the Granit on the floor. Tomorrow comes the guy to fix the ceiling. We will have to close the shop one week in January in order to paint all the walls.... That mater is still under discussion, because we can't just fix parts here and there, if we have to paint a whole wall the other ones must match the color!

So it took days to cancel all appointments, to assemble all the papers the insurances asked for, and its been quite stressful.
Tuesday 27th we reopened the shop, walls covered with plastic foam to avoid the mess... It will hold alright until the walls are painted new....
I am still a bit worried, since I don't know exactly how the insurances will cover the costs of it all...

But also, there is some positivity. 3 weeks off left me with some time to skate, and just before the accident happened I was chasing some transportation system for my tattoo equipment.
See, I notice every time I come back from a tattoo convention I carry a ton of stuff I didn't use, but brought over anyway, just in case I would need it... And I always have like 3 or 4 cases, all filled with stuff for my booth, and a ton of disposable like paper towels, plastic gobelets and whatever...
So the idea is or would be to shrink down all my gear to the essential, absolute necessity. I made some research on Internet about that, but ended mainly on discussion forums talking either about traveling with a tattoo case on a plane, good info even if i would avoid plane if possible;
or horrible "kitchen magician" websites telling you how to tattoo in your apartment, backyard, in your van or at your friends place, which is a path I am absolutely not willing to take!!!!
Yeah well, anyway I bought a nice case, and I'm all happy about it and now I'm really excited about packing my gear in it to go!!!
All I need is to decide where... Whoohoo! :)
Also, I made a new painting. I am happy about it. It's big so I am not sure to make prints of it, and if I do I will want to make special high quality on super thick paper, making every print as close of the original as possible. Enough of the cheap prints made down at the mall!
....thanks for the time you took reading all this.
I will give news soon hopefully

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