Hey all, we're back from the most amazing convention weekend ever.
Don't worry, you didn't miss Allan at any tattoo convention, cause i'm talking about the friggin
Star Trek convention we just attended in good old London town!
Oh, come on, it's not like you didn't already know we were huge nerds, right?
So yeah, we're back, completely broke, but so happy, and a few priceless autographs and moments richer!
Oh, and
Sarah got to show Kate Mulgrew her Captain Janeway tattoo that Allan did on her this summer.
Through tights, but still, she did see it, and from what we heard, she was very impressed!
More Trek stories over on
my blog when i've transferred pictures and maybe slept a little more... yeah, we went pretty much straight from airport to work this morning... poor Allan!
Sarah, me and Allan with unnamed Borg!
The Janeway and the Mulgrew
No, sadly Allan wasn't in costume, so me and Sarah had to Trek out extra hard!
(Pictures from Sarah's instagram, she's @eraserbits there if you wanna see more!)
That's it for the geek talk, but i have some Danish info too, so i'll just switch on the universal translator for the next part!
Haha, get it, universal translator? No? Don't get up, i'll show myself out...
Attention København! Davee har stadig tider i denne uge, og vil også tage walk-ins, så hvis du står med en god ide, eller bare en spontan trang til at blive tatoveret (og hvem gør ikke det?!) kan du komme forbi Schleppegrellsgade 7 fra i morgen fra kl. 13 og tage en snak med ham.Der kan forekomme lidt ventetid når det er på walk-in basis, men stadig, dette er ugens tilbud, så spred ordet og kom forbi!
Bare rolig, det behøver ikke nødvendigvis være hoved tatoveringer!
Things are really moving forward with our Berlin plans, and i can finally say that the contract is signed and the house is indeed ours.
Very exciting!
I am working on getting a bunch of practical stuff done before we leave for Japan in less than a week (Allan has a few appointments available between the 31st and the 14th of November, so contact Inkrat if you wanna get tattooed, the email is
inkrat00@yahoo.co.jp), so if you've sent me a non-urgent email, i may not be able to reply right away.
The same goes for buying flash or prints; i try to make time to go to the post office as soon after an order has been placed as i can, but that's not always possible, so if you're not prepared to let it take the time it's gonna take, don't place an order right now.
Oh, and while we're on the subject of emails, there's no need to write me about the waiting list.
It's still closed, but when it opens, i promise i won't try to keep it a secret, so just check back here every once in a while and you won't miss a thing!
I'll be back with more updates and tattoo photos soon!
Oh, and don't forget our
Halloween flash day on Saturday, ok?
Fun times!