Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

3 yr. Anniversary! "This Is Happiness"; NEW Video

I just reached my 3 year anniversary of being baptized to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! Holy cow! I made a video with the Elder that baptized me, Elder Despain! Click here to watch my newest video, "This is Happiness; Baptism Anniversary." And be sure to 'share' it! That's what they are meant for. You never know who needs to hear it, you never know who you could help by those small and simple things. #UseTheInternetForGood

Since joining the church there has been a lot of hard times. A lot of changes. Trials. That's life. But because of getting baptized, because of the Gospel, because of Christ, not once- not even for a second, did that happiness go away. Not only that, but it got stronger, and stronger!

I feel like there is just so much that could have been said in the video that was made that wasn't. The Gospel is hands down, the biggest blessing there ever is. That this is the happiest I have ever been. And to know that, the best thing we could ever be, ever- is ourselves. That if we feel that Heavenly Father isn't using us to help His children, you're wrong. He loves His children so much, that He will, and is using your desires and efforts to profoundly help others and have us not even realize it. Our talents and our personalities are perfectly given to us for incredible reasons we may never understand.
As I look back on the past 3 years I am just amazed at where I am in life, the things I am doing and the person I am becoming. I am speechlessly grateful that we have a Father in Heaven that loves us and is there just to give us the best there is. It's a pattern in my life where I am asked to do something I don't know how to do, and even sometimes I don't really want to do. But what a blessing it is every single time when I follow through. To see the blessings and accomplishments. I am incredibly grateful things did not go the way that I had in mind, because things have been profoundly better.  I moved to Utah and I travel around the state giving Firesides, I make videos, and started writing a book, and I'm doing all of these incredible things. And I only say that because, I know there is more that I can be doing. And I know that the things that I am doing, I could be doing better at. But I know, that just by us trying, you will end up in places you never would have thought of. Doing things you never could have dreamed of. And becoming the person Heavenly father has wanted you to become all along. And what a feeling that is! All He asks of us is to turn to Him, and to try.

Take pride in who you are. You have God as your Father. You are great. And you will do great things.

Be sure to watch my video 'Continue' where it is all about receiving the best ever created, and pushing through those hard and trying times to receive something better. To receive the Best. And to know we are never shortchanged from the Best in anyway. Finding joy in the journey.

Watch my Dear Elder video, here. A Thank You video to Elders, for their efforts. "I am One of those Rescued."
Click here to read a letter I had to write to the Mission President right after my baptism, of what it is that caused me to get baptized.
Click here to watch a behind the scenes of us editing "This Is Happiness"
Click here to watch the video with Elder Despain, "This Is Happiness."
Follow me on Twitter. Email me to book firesides or with questions/comments.
I love hearing from you, you help me to keep going!
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